

TOPInquiry Form

Inquiry Form


  • The personal information you provide in the inquiry form below will be strictly handled in accordance with our privacy policy and will only be used for the purpose of responding to your inquiry. Please submit your inquiry only if you agree to these terms.
  • We recommend using an SSL-compatible browser. If you do not have one, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please use an SSL-compatible browser to make your inquiry.
  • We review all inquiries, but it may take a few days to respond, or we may not be able to reply to all inquiries.
  • Depending on the content of your inquiry, we may contact you by phone or letter. Please note that your inquiry will be reviewed during our business hours. *Business hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (excluding weekends, holidays, Obon, and New Year holidays)
  • We strictly prohibit the partial or full reproduction or secondary use of our responses.

Please fill out the form below and submit.

indicates required fields.

ZIP Code
Phone Number
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Email (Confirmation)
Please enter your email again for confirmation.
Inquiry Content
※Please enter within 1,500 full-width characters.

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